The parent-student closed loop of anxieties (Image: Shutterstock)

This Week on Eastern Standard:

  1. We explore the anxieties among parents of college students over the anxieties of their children. With Boston University Staff Psychiatrist Mathilde Ross, Eastern Kentucky University Clinical Psychologist Maggie Freeman, and University of Kentucky Psychologist Shannon Sauer-Zavala. 
  2. Tom Eblen's guest, poet Lynnell Edwards, discusses her latest book about life with an adult child with a mental illness. It's the latest in our series on Kentucky writers.
  3. Drug pricing researcher Antonio Ciaccia illuminates the numbers game behind the costs of our meds. 
  4. And Josh Douglas, host of our election year special series Democracy Optimist, is out with a new book detailing how recent decisions of the US Supreme Court have undermined American voters.

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