The “Red Scare” of the fifties came late to Kentucky. Lexington Herald-Leader government accountability reporter John Cheves gives details of his article about the Kentucky UnAmerican Activities Committee of the late sixties.
Former two-term Governor Paul Patton has published a memoir and who better for the interview than Kentucky Journalism Hall of Famer Jack Brammer? As a reporter for the Herald-Leader, Brammer covered the highs and lows of Patton’s eight years in office.
Gatewood Galbraith was a unique character of Kentucky politics and culture. Our guest is Galbraith biographer Matthew Strandmark.
The founders of Lexington-based Green Room Exchange are just back from a big World Music conference in Spain. Lee Carroll and Connie Milligan share the takeaways and details of the GRE concert featuring Haitian artist Paul Beaubrun.